27th Annual Meeting of Field Runologists
Every year since 1987/88, an international meeting of field runologists has been arranged to discuss common problems, held each year at a new locality in order that the participants attain a better overview of a specific sub‐corpus of runic inscriptions. The meetings usually encompass hands‐on examination of runic objects, but the meeting at CAS 4–6 April 2014 consisted of lectures commissioned by the CAS project Reading and interpreting runic inscriptions: the theory and method of runology, and intended to provide supplementary material for the Handbook. Several senior runologists were invited as critical consultants, and some other field runologists attended without giving lectures. There were thirty participants in total. The programme was as follows:
- Knirk, CAS: “The runology project at CAS 2013–14”
- Palumbo, CAS: “Grafonomi och runor”
- Williams, CAS: “Transliteration of runes: the Oslo standard”
- Källström, CAS: “Läsa steninskrifter”
- Findell, CAS: “Runes and rune‐like signs: definitions and descriptions”
- Andreas Fischnaller, University of Munich, “Runica manuscripta: Grundlagen, Vorbilder, Definition"
- Alessia Bauer, University of Munich, “Runica manuscripta: Methodologische
- Überlegungen: Probleme und Lösungen”
- Ute Zimmermann: “Interpretation von Brakteateninschriften”
- Christiane Zimmermann: “Interdisziplinäre Interpretation”
- Edith Marold: “Vers oder nicht Vers? Argumente und Kriterien für eine Klassifikation”
- Schuhmann, CAS: “Competing interpretations and optimality theory”
- Wicker, University of Mississippi: “Examination and documentation of tool marks on runic objects”
- Arne Emil Christensen, University of Oslo: “Materials (wood, bone, metal) and writing tools”
- Peter Pieper, University of Düsseldorf: “Runen – Methoden ihrer Qualifikation und Dokumentation”
- Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt, Swedish National Heritage Board: “3D‐dokumentation av runinskrifter”
- David Vogt, University of Oslo: “Reflectance transformation imaging (=RTI) of runic inscriptions”
- Sebastian Brather, University of Freiburg: “Kontextualisierung: Sozialstrukturen und Ethnizitäten”
- Svante Fischer, National Archaeological Museum (France): “Typologisk seriation och datering av de äldsta runinskrifterna”
- Petter Molaug, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU), Oslo: “Runes from archaeological excavations”
- Signe Horn Fuglesang, University of Oslo: “Art‐historical methods, and control through blind analysis” Anne‐Sofie Gräslund, Uppsala University: “Stilanalys och runologi: att datera vikingatida runstenar”
- Stefan Brink, University of Aberdeen: “Summary and evaluation”
- Knirk, CAS: “Continuation of the CAS runology project 2014–15”
Abstracts were submitted and sent out to all participants before the meeting, and power‐point presentations and more extensive written presentations were collected afterwards. Since contributions from external participants did not conform to the Handbook format, much effort had to be expended after the conference to extract material that could be used more directly by the project. Some of the invited speakers were unable to attend, but two sent in requested material: Staffan Fridell, Uppsala University, “Tendenser i skrifttecknens utveckling i alfabet och runorna”, and Olof Sundqvist, University of Stockholm, “Religionshistoria och runologi".